Matcha green tea affogato is the simplest and most blissful east-west fusion dessert combining the prized Japanese matcha green tea with Italy’s finest gelato. Heavenly!

The word affogato comes from the Italian affogare — meaning to drown, in which a scoop of ice cream is submerged in a shot of espresso. That used to be my favorite dessert drink until I started making this matcha green tea affogato!

This matcha green tea affogato is made by simply pouring matcha latte over vanilla ice cream to give a bitter sweet, rich creamy taste. It’s so good! Lately, I’ve been having this instead of my matcha latte as it’s still hot here in California, even though we are near the end of summer. I don’t feel guilty about it at all when I think of all the health benefits of matcha. In fact, I even have it with some dark chocolate matcha truffles to give me that extra antioxidant boost!
To see how matcha can help you get healthier and lose weight visit, and for the top 3 matcha green tea benefits for better health.

This is definitely a quick and easy decadent dessert that you can enjoy in less than 10 minutes!