Sweet Corn Tamalito Recipe-Sweet And Quick!

Last Updated on December 31, 2021 by

Who doesn’t love a sweet, quick, and super tasty sweet corn Tamalito recipe? The possibilities are endless with sweet corn tamales. This recipe is great for intermediate cookers, who want to learn something new! However, if you are a beginner and have never made sweet corn tamales, you can follow the tips and tricks to help you succeed.

You can eat sweet corn Tamalitos for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as a dessert. The end result for this recipe is approximately 12-16 sweet tamales that you can store in the freezer or fridge.

What Are Sweet Corn Tamales?

Sweet corn tamales are a common dish served in Mexican households. Typically, sweet corn tamales are reserved for Holidays like Christmas and New Year. Family members gather around a table and help make the sweet corn tamales. The preparation for sweet tamales is short, but they do take a while to cook and form in the right shape.

If you have never tried a sweet corn tamale, it is almost exactly like a tamale, but sweet. Some people choose to add extra ingredients like cinnamon or vanilla crème. The traditional recipe only requires corn masa, corn kernels, and sugar. In some parts of Mexico, people also refer to sweet corn tamales as tamales de elote. The name completely depends on the city/region.

 corn tamales

What You Will Need To Make Sweet Corn Tamalito Recipe


  • 5 Ears of Corn unpeeled
  • 2 Cups of Corn Masa (Corn Flour or Tortilla Flour)
  • 1 Cup of Sugar
  • 2 Cups of Whole Milk Butter – You can substitute it for reduced-fat or lactose-intolerant friendly butter, but the flavor and the texture may change.
  • 1 tsp. of Baking Soda
  • 1 tsp. of Salt


  • Food Processor- If you do not have a food processor, you can also use a blender. However, you need to carefully use the blender so the masa is thick and not entirely liquid.
  • Sharp Knife
  • Pot of Boiling Water
  • Cutting Board
  • Steamer
  • 2 Large Bowl
  • Large Plate

Step by Step Instructions On How To Make This Sweet Corn Tamalito Recipe

Step 1: Grind the Corn Kernels in a Food Processor

The first step is to prepare the corn kernels. Carefully, take your ears of corn and place them on the cutting board. Peel back the husks and try not to break them as you will use the husks to press and cook the Tamalitos. Remove all of the kernels from the ear of corn and repeat with all five.

Once the kernels are free from the ear, you can place them all in the food processor. Blend it gently as the masa should still have some texture. The corn mixture should feel grainy, but not completely smooth. During this step, boil hot water and place the husks in the water.

Husks are hard to move, but the water gives them flexibility. This is not necessary but will help you later on when you need to wrap the tamales. If you skip this step, the husks can break as you bend and move them around.

Step 2: Mix the Powders and Corn

In one large bowl, mix the corn mass you just made with the cornflour measured out. Make sure that they are mixed in entirely. In the other bowl, mix the butter, sugar, salt, and baking powder thoroughly. Eventually, you will combine the bowls.

During this step, take the corn husks off the water and let them dry in a clean space in your kitchen. Don’t turn off the boiling water though.

Step 3: Combine the Mixtures and Prepare the Steamer

During this third step, you should combine both mixtures into one bowl and stir. Then, prepare the steamer by lining the bottom with the smallest husks. It is ok if there are tears in the husks for this step. Leave the large husks for wrapping.

Step 4: Make the Tamale

Take a small scoop of the masa, which should be sticky and dough-like, and place it into a husk. Shape it and wrap it gently so that the mixture does not spill out. Repeat this step until you are all out of husks or the masa. After you are done, place them to steam for a minimum of 1 hour and 20 minutes.


Tips And Tricks On Making Sweet Corn Tamalito Recipe

The hardest part about making this sweet corn Tamalito recipe is knowing when they are ready. Although it may seem scary to wrap them and make the dough, that is the easiest part! The husks, after you boil them, are easy to bend and move. If you want to be faster, ask for a friend or loved one to help you with the process.

The second tip I have for you is for checking when they are done. Check every thirty minutes by simply opening the wrapping of a Tamalito. If the dough sticks to the wrapping and still looks ‘watery,’ it is not ready! You should re-wrap it and place it back in the steamer.

If the tamale lifts off of the husk without leaving any residue, then it is done and ready for you to serve and eat! You can add any sweet toppings you would like or eat them by yourself. To make a party out of it, grab bowls and fill them with toppings like vanilla icing, crème, cinnamon, or sugar to top them with.

You can also store these easily! If you want to make a lot of them, but to store and reheat for later, before you dip the tamale into the steamer, simply tie it with a ribbon or string, so the husk stays in place and pack it into the freezer!

Servings And Preparation Time

Cook Time

Preparation Time

Serving Size

1 Hour 20 Minutes

20 Minutes



Sweet corn tamales are a delight to have for all of us with a sweet tooth! What do you think about this sweet corn tamale recipe? Do you have any comments or questions for us? Please list them below, we would love to hear from you!

If you know anyone interested in trying a sweet tamale recipe, that is great for intermediate cookers, share this recipe with them!