How To Make Micheladas With Chamoy On A Hot Day

Last Updated on May 19, 2022 by

The hottest day in Summer is a fantastic moment to learn how to make micheladas with chamoy. A michelada is one of those great refreshing and tasty drinks that make you feel as though the summer, or at least some kind of vacation, has finally arrived! In Mexico, people see it as synonymous with the weekend. Many clubs and bars promote it precisely because of its festive demeanor.

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If you’re the type of person who loves their spicy foods, this is sure to delight you. Or at least leave you engaged with the flavors that are rolling around in your mouth as you give it a try. It’s an awesomely chilled way to enjoy a flavor that you would usually find in a taco, or some other juicy Mexican food. It serves as an interestingly novel way to appreciate the unique taste of a quality beer. This is because it elaborates upon its generally straightforward plant flavoring that people outside of Mexico tend to enjoy.

What makes a michelada feel adequate for a special occasion is its richness and depth of taste. For this reason, many people don’t tend to associate with the typically bitter taste of a cold beer.

To make one, you need beer, tomato and lime juice, spices, and chile peppers and, ideally, one or more of their derived sauces. A good way of thinking about it is like a juicier Bloody Mary just with more of a kick to it! Once it is prepared, it is chilled and served up in a salt-rimmed glass. This is very likely to hit that perfect spot when you’re looking for a great refresher on a hot and sunny day. This is specially true if you’re planning on engaging in all kinds of activities. 

They’re so tasty that in the Latin-American they’re considered downright addictive in social settings. They are also  a very welcomed companion to any number of big family cookouts, sporting events, or other special occasions with a celebratory air about. In many people`s minds, they are synonymous with firing up the grill, putting on a comfortable breathable outfit, and goofing around with good, social company all while in the grace of a natural setting.

What You Will Need To Make A Michelada With Chamoy


  • A regular-sized beer
  • A spoonful each of English sauce and flavoring juice, a common brand in Mexico is Maggi (which you can find at any latin store)
  • Quarter cup of Clamato juice
  • Chile powder
  • Lemons or lemon juice
  • Ice cubes
  • Salt


  • Glass of a pretty considerable size, generally speaking, it can never be too big
  • Stirring utensil
  • Regular sized

Step by Step Instructions For The Best Michelada Recipe

Step 1: Frost the glass

Frost the glass by putting it in the refrigerator. Once it is cold put the salt and Chile powder evenly over a plate and mix them together. Then carefully lower the rim of the glass so that this mixture sticks to the rim.

Step 2: Fill glass with ice

Fill the glass with ice cubes, or however much-crushed ice as you think that you would like. 

Step 3: Add ingredients

Now add in the English sauce, flavoring juice, Clamato, and as much lemon. Then pour in the beer of your choice.

Step 4: Mix

Use the stirring utensil to mix it all together until it appears to pretty uniform.

Tips and Ticks For Chamoy Michelada

 chamoy michelada

For more of a spicy kick, which many in Mexico look for in their Micheladas, you can add hot sauce to this recipe.  Ideally, you’ll choose one that’s reddish to compliment that tomato of the Clamato. Perhaps the most common brand that people prefer to rely on for this is Tabasco sauce. Just keep in mind that it is pretty heavy on the vinegar. So make sure not to put too much of brands like this one in.

The chile powder that many people like to use is chamoy as it is quite sweet. Another popular one is piquin which is a pretty easy-going chile that’s quite refreshing and salad-like in terms of its taste. People use it in many hot sauces that you’ll regularly find atop the tables of Mexican restaurants.

Before you put your glass directly in the fridge, make sure that it’s a pretty thick glass that can handle that type of chilling effect. Some do crack, but this is usually due to the glass being too thin.

A good idea is to first take the time to go around to different establishments to try out different kinds until you settle on a favorite. Then, simply ask kindly whether they can tell you what they put in theirs.

If you ever get the opportunity to visit Mexico City, you should definitely try one. Keep in mind, the fancier the restaurant, the tastier the michelada recipe will be. In this city, however, the most common way for people, and businesses, to prepare this savory drink is with serrano peppers, tajin, Clamato, and the delectable, and somewhat addictive, sweet chamoy powder.


While micheladas are very commonly served up in large glasses in Mexican restaurants, you can make them just to your liking in your own home in no time at all. And with your own glasses! If you look around online, you’ll find that there are endless variations of this recipe. For this reason, you’re encouraged to experiment with different ingredients until you arrive at a flavoring that speaks to your particular palate.

In recent years, customers can find more and more elaborated beers in the marketplace. This phenomenon is consequence, to a large extent, of the tremendous success of the michelada! People are no longer enjoying beer for its pretty bitter taste. This bodes well for the future of the cocktail and beer industry.

Who knows what’s next now that beer is being seen in such a different light! It should be fun. A michelada is a perfect example of when you combine cuisine with a refreshing drink to come away with a new, more inspirational experience for all!

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How To Make Micheladas With Chamoy

Michelada With Chamoy

Just Mexican Food
Course Drinks
Cuisine Mexican


  • Glass of a pretty considerable size, generally speaking, it can never be too big
  • Stirring utensil
  • Regular sized


  • 1 regular-sized beer
  • 1 spoonful each of English sauce and flavoring juice, a common brand in Mexico is Maggi (which you can find at any latin store)
  • ¼ cup of Clamato juice
  • Chile powder
  • Lemons or lemon juice
  • Ice cubes
  • Salt


  • Frost the glass by putting it in the refrigerator. Once it is cold put the salt and Chile powder evenly over a plate and mix them together. Then carefully lower the rim of the glass so that this mixture sticks to the rim.
  • Fill the glass with ice cubes, or however much-crushed ice as you think that you would like.
  • Now add in the English sauce, flavoring juice, Clamato, and as much lemon. Then pour in the beer of your choice.
  • Use the stirring utensil to mix it all together until it appears to pretty uniform.


Tips and Ticks For Chamoy Michelada
For more of a spicy kick, which many in Mexico look for in their Micheladas, you can add hot sauce to this recipe.  Ideally, you'll choose one that's reddish to compliment that tomato of the Clamato. Perhaps the most common brand that people prefer to rely on for this is Tabasco sauce. Just keep in mind that it is pretty heavy on the vinegar. So make sure not to put too much of brands like this one in.
The chile powder that many people like to use is chamoy as it is quite sweet. Another popular one is piquin which is a pretty easy-going chile that's quite refreshing and salad-like in terms of its taste. People use it in many hot sauces that you'll regularly find atop the tables of Mexican restaurants.
Keyword best michelada recipe, chamoy michelada, how to make micheladas with chamoy, michelada with chamoy

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