How Many Tacos Should I Eat?

The current state of the earth is not good. It might be time to start looking towards a more sustainable future, and one way that many people are doing this is by eating less meat or cutting back on it completely. The “how many tacos does the average person eat in a year” is an […]
Who Has Fish Tacos?

The fish tacos are a staple of Mexican food. When the supply became scarce, prices skyrocketed and people went crazy for them once again. The restaurant makes more than $1 million annually from these bad boys with their unique taste that has been out of stock at times for up to three years The “who […]
3 Ways To Excitedly Find Out How Many Calories In Menudo Quickly

Menudo is a fantastic dish to enjoy in the cold months as the weather changes, which may prompt you to ask yourself how many calories in Menudo. There is no one real answer. Every family makes its own version of Menudo. With each additional ingredient, the calorie count changes. During this informative article, you will […]
How Do You Do Chilaquiles?

Traditionally a Mexican recipe, chilaquiles is a traditional dish made of corn tortilla chips mixed with red or green salsa and scrambled eggs. This simple breakfast meal can be easily scaled up to serve as an appetizer for your next party. “how to make chilaquiles verdes” is a question that has been asked over and […]
What Was Invented First Nachos Or Chilaquiles??

The question at hand is what was invented first, nachos or chilaquiles?. The invention of both these dishes are said to have happened in the late 1800’s, but there has been some debate as to which dish came before the other. In this article we explore both sides and explain who came up with each […]
Where Can I Get Horchata? 3 Affordable And Quick Ways

Horchata is a favorite amongst Latin Americans, which is why I am not surprised that many people ask themselves ‘where can I get horchata?’. This creamy drink is a holiday must, especially around Christmas and New Year. Interestingly enough, many countries make their own versions of Horchata and sell them. Where can I get horchata? […]
5 Step Pollo Con Rajas Y Crema Recipe Quick and Easy

This pollo con rajas y crema recipe is great for beginners that want to learn more about old and authentic foods since the ingredients use chicken and poblano peppers. For those who don’t know, ‘rajas’ is the Spanish word for sliced or shredded, while ‘crema’ refers to a cream. There are five steps in total […]
5-Step Recipe For Steak Picado Delicious and Simple!

This recipe for steak Picado is delicious, simple, and great for beginners who want to cook large meals for their loved ones! You can eat steak Picado with virtually any side dish. It is a savory food that uses beef, vegetables, and many seasonings for a strong flavor. It should only take you about 1 […]
Quick And Delicious El Pollo Loco Green Salsa Recipe In 4 Steps

El Pollo Loco makes delicious foods that are hard to resist, which is why I have written a El Pollo Loco Green Salsa recipe perfect for beginners. This recipe is great for introductory cooks that love authentic Mexican food. Although the restaurant is primarily Tex-Mex, the sauce is still delicious and comes with a kick! […]
1 Delicious and Quick Del Taco Red Sauce Recipe

Red sauce can make any dish taste amazing, which is why this quick and easy Del Taco Red Sauce recipe is a favorite! Del Taco red sauce is a favorite in many people’s kitchens! Not only can you buy the sauce, but you can make it from scratch! Although the company has not given out […]