What Are Tacos Dorados In Mexican Cuisine

Last Updated on November 1, 2021 by

You may have heard about tacos but, what are tacos dorados?

The name tacos dorados, which translates to golden tacos, says a lot about what this wonderfully delicious food looks like. Tacos dorados Mexicanos are one of the tastiest crunchy foods that you will ever eat. For this reason, it is one of the absolute favorites among kids all over Mexico. What makes it special is that it is fried like a good piece of fried chicken.

In this sense, it is quite similar to the world-famous nachos, which consist of fried tortilla chips that are covered with yellow cheese, jalapeños chili peppers, and sometimes chicken or ground beef. 

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What Exactly Are Tacos Dorados?

They are basically tacos that are prepared in a corn tortilla and then deep-fried until they turn into a beautiful golden brown. This gives it an appearance that’s kind of mesmerizing when you look at it. However, the thing that truly makes it irresistible is that it is topped off with cream cheese as well as other toppings. They all end up making it like a true party that’s just waiting for you atop a plate!

 how to make tacos dorados

It’s one of the most appealing foods, particularly as it’s a complete treat to eat. You can really marry the crunchy with the cheesy in the best of ways. It isn’t too dissimilar from what makes pizza such a wonderful food, especially when the texture of the bread is more like that of a cracker. And perhaps the best thing is that you can put pretty much any type of meat that you wish in them. Even though the most popular ones include chicken, you can also use beef. Yet, you can come away with an unforgettable meal that’s perfectly balanced and very filling.

It may seem like it may be a pretty hard dish to prepare for yourself, and therefore to get right, especially when you’re served a plate of golden tacos in a restaurant that looks like they’re ready to be photographed. The truth is that it actually has a pretty straightforward recipe when you’re trying to get the basic elements of this dish down. If you’re the type of person who has fried a variety of foods already in the past, you’re sure to be able to make golden tacos from the comfort of your kitchen with relative ease. Just make sure that you don’t burn them!

Here we´ll explain to you how to make tacos dorados.

Tacos Dorados Recipe

 tacos dorados mexicanos


  • Half a cup of chicken broth
  • 300 grams of cooked and shredded chicken breast
  • Half a cup of Oil
  • 8 corn tortillas
  • 4 spoonfuls of Grated Cheese
  • 4 spoonfuls of Cream
  • 2 cups of lettuce that needs to be finely cut


  • Frypan
  • Comal
  • Plate
  • Absorbent paper

Step 1: Sauté the chicken

Sauce the chicken in the chicken broth.

Step 2: Warm the tortillas

Warm the tortillas on a frypan or a comal.

Step 3: Fill the tortillas

Fill the tortillas with the shredded chicken and roll the tortilla on the chicken to create the tacos. To prevent the tacos to open, insert a drumstick in the side of the tortilla to hold the tacos-

Step 4: Fry the tacos

Heat the oil in the frypan and fry the tacos until you get the golden tint that you prefer. Drain the tacos on absorbent paper.

Step 5: Serve

Serve the tacos on the lettuce. Decorate with the chase and the cream. You can add fried beans on the side.

Cooking Time and Servings

Preparation: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Servings: 8 servings

Tips For Tacos Dorados 

There are a lot of ways that you can elaborate this recipe to add your own personal touch. Many families do it by adding their favorite ingredients on top. The key is to respect the flavor of the fried corn. However, the reality is that corn is actually a pretty friendly ingredient that does combine well with a wide range of foods. 

Common toppings that people add include different kinds of chili peppers (the most popular of which are Jalapeños and serrano peppers). They also add cheese, which generally speaking are white to compliment the cream. You can also top your tacos dorados with manchego cheese but it is not a common practice. Of course, you can add fresh-tasting vegetables like bell peppers and tomato. When it comes to the vegetables that you decide to spread on top, you should keep in mind that more often than not less is more. A lot of people make the very common mistake of putting too many of these with the intent of getting the most flavor out of their meal. They end up with more of a salad than anything else, both in terms of texture and flavor.

Other people like to add their favorite salsa on top. This is a great way to vary the taste of tacos dorados. If this is your take, remember that the fresher the salsa the better and fresher that it will all taste together. One thing that you may want to avoid is mixing too many salsas together as you can come away with a less delicious, or distinct, flavor in the end.

As this is a fried food, a great idea is to keep the drinks that accompany it light. If you don’t do so, you may end up feeling bloated and even light-headed. This is a consequence of consuming too many calories and sugar. A flavored water with little sugar added is a good way to go.

 what are tacos dorados


When it comes down to it, tacos dorados is considered to be an iconic delight and a wonderful representation of what Mexican cuisine is about. It has personality and is just a fun experience!

Just like in other parts of the world, Mexicans love their fried foods. They feel that it is a reflection of the vibrant culture that draws countless visitors each and every year. When you bite into a taco dorado, you’ll begin to understand why there is such a colorfulness in Mexico that permeates everything from clothes to music. 

Tacos Dorados Recipe

Just Mexican Food
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Mexican
Servings 8


  • Comal
  • Plate
  • Absorbent paper


  • ½ cup of chicken broth
  • 300 grams of cooked and shredded chicken breast
  • ½ cup of Oil
  • 8 corn tortillas
  • 4 spoonfuls of Grated Cheese
  • 4 spoonfuls of Cream
  • 2 cups of lettuce that needs to be finely cut


  • Saute the chicken in the chicken broth.
  • Warm the tortillas on a frypan or a comal.
  • Fill the tortillas with the shredded chicken and roll the tortilla on the chicken to create the tacos. To prevent the tacos to open, insert a drumstick in the side of the tortilla to hold the tacos-
  • Heat the oil in the frypan and fry the tacos until you get the golden tint that you prefer. Drain the tacos on absorbent paper.
  • Serve the tacos on the lettuce. Decorate with the chase and the cream. You can add fried beans on the side.


Tips For Tacos Dorados 

There are a lot of ways that you can elaborate this recipe to add your own personal touch. Many families do it by adding their favorite ingredients on top. The key is to respect the flavor of the fried corn. However, the reality is that corn is actually a pretty friendly ingredient that does combine well with a wide range of foods. 
Keyword how to make tacos dorados, tacos dorados mexicanos, tacos dorados recipe, what are tacos dorados