Yummy, Yummy: How To Make Churros With Filling

Last Updated on November 1, 2021 by

If you love churros, you’ll certainly like to know how to make churros with filling!

The funny thing about churros is that they are a food that’s pretty odd and simple looking. Despite this, it is thought of as being synonymous with joy and good times with friends and family. Some see it as being like a stick-like donut. For this reason, they make for the perfect treat when you want to take something delicious on the go when you’re out and about, be it at the amusement park or just downtown. It is very common to find a tray full of churros around the checkout counter at many Mexican bakeries. 

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But at its heart, it really is a food that’s meant to be shared. There’s nothing better than meeting up with a friend at a place that makes quality churros and hot chocolate to make the most out of a sunset. When you eat it you feel as though everything in life slows down, and that you’re free to keep on being the sweet loving kid that you’ve always been.

Just by looking at it you would imagine that it doesn’t have too much flavor going for it, but once you actually bite into one you discover that you couldn’t be more wrong in this respect. It is so beloved precisely because it has an explosion of flavor, which is to a large extent due to the abundance of sugar that covers it, that makes you feel as though you are a kid in a carnival enjoying a big helping of cotton candy. 

What Are Filled Churros

 how to fill churros

The ironic thing about this food is that although it is very tasty and gooey in one of the most pleasing of ways, it is actually little more than fried dough. This is why it is quite common for places to offer it with a filling along the inside that give it more of a waffle-like elaboration. With the added filling, you’re sure to have more than enough energy to deal with the kids and to go on a long excursion around town.

There are many different kinds of fillings that have been coming out over the years, the most popular of which is of course simply chocolate. Fruit fillings, however, have gained more and more popularity, especially among the youngest folks. Today there are plenty of people who’s preferred filling is strawberry or pineapple syrup. 

So, you may be wondering,  how to fill churros with a filling in a way that’s contained? 

Step by Step Instructions For Stuffed Churros


  • 1 cup of wheat flour
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 and 1/2 spoonfuls of sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 spoonfuls of salt
  • 2 spoonfuls of oil
  • 1 Liter of oil to fry
  • 1/2 cup pf sugar
  • Cajeta or dulce de leche


  • Pan
  • Whisker
  • Frypan
  • Pastry sleeve with nozzle
  • Filling gun
  • Absorbent Paper

Step 1: Mix ingredients

Mix the sugar, salt, and the oil in a pan and let it start to boil.

Step 2: Add flour

Remove from the stove. Wait until the mass is cold. Then, add the flour and the eggs. Mix quickly until you get a homogeneous mass.

Step 3: Heat the oil

Heat the oil in a frypan.

Step 4: Fill the pastry sleeve

Fill the pastry sleeve with the mass.

Step 5: Form the churros 

Give sharpe to the churros on the hot oil. You can make them as long as you like.

Step 6: Cook the churros

Cook the chur s on the oil until they are golden.

Step 7: Remove the oil 

Remove the excess of oil of the churros by placing them on absorbent paper

Step 8: Fill the churros

Fill the churros with cajeta or dulce de eche using a filling gun.

Step 9: Soak in sugar

Soak the churros in sugar.

Step 10: Serve

Serve them warm.

 stuffed churros

Cooking Time and Servings

Preparation: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Servings: 18 servings

Tips and Tricks Churros With Filling

Dulce de leche or cajeta, along with chocolate, are the most popular fillings. However, you can use crema pastelera, or coffee too.

You can use cream cheese if you´re looking for a salty-sweet taste.

To v¡give churros a twist, you can add vanilla or cinnamon to the mix. This will give your churros a new flavor that will please all your senses.

People love enjoying churros with hot chocolate or dark coffee. They are great as treat in the afternoon and when it is very cold.

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Churros with filling are thought of as Mexican crepes because of the number of variations that there are. In reality, the taste isn’t that far off, churros just have more flavor because they are greasier, and as a result, they’re more savory.

There’s a lot to love about a filled churro. But you have to be prepared for a rush of sweet that comes along with it in order to appreciate it properly. This is a big consideration when it comes to choosing the kind of filling that you want. For instance, it is quite common for people to coordinate their churro filing with the type of hot drink that accompanies it, be it coffee or a nice hot chocolate.

When you walk into a churro place that specializes in this beloved treat, you’re sure to find a wide selection of fillings to choose from, and this is a big part of the fun! They tend to all be so good that many people keep coming back with the intent of giving new flavors a try. This is a big part of what makes it so alluring to so many. There’s something for all kinds of tastes, and even moods.

If it’s your first time traveling to Mexico, this serves as a great opportunity to get acquainted with some of the most popular treats that are regularly used in the world of desserts. Regardless of whether it makes you a fan or not, you’re sure to walk aways with a new experience and flavor on your tongue, and that’s what good food should be all about.

Stuffed Churros

Just Mexican Food
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 50 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Mexican
Servings 18


  • Pan
  • Whisker
  • Frypan
  • Pastry sleeve with nozzle
  • Filling gun
  • Absorbent paper


  • 1 cup of wheat flour
  • 1 cup of water
  • spoonfuls of sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 spoonfuls of salt
  • 2 spoonfuls of oil
  • 1 Liter of oil to fry
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • Cajeta or dulce de leche


  • Mix the sugar, salt, and the oil in a pan and let it start to boil.
  • Remove from the stove. Wait until the mass is cold. Then, add the flour and the eggs. Mix quickly until you get a homogeneous mass.
  • Heat the oil in a frypan.
  • Fill the pastry sleeve with the mass.
  • Give sharpe to the churros on the hot oil. You can make them as long as you like.
  • Cook the chur s on the oil until they are golden.
  • Remove the excess of oil of the churros by placing them on absorbent paper
  • Fill the churros with cajeta or dulce de eche using a filling gun.
  • Soak the churros in sugar.
  • Serve them warm.


Tips and Tricks Churros With Filling

Dulce de leche or cajeta, along with chocolate, are the most popular fillings. However, you can use crema pastelera, or coffee too.
You can use cream cheese if you´re looking for a salty-sweet taste.
Keyword filled churros, how to fill churros, how to make churros with filling, stuffed churros